We're excited for the2021-2022 School Year!
We have opened re-enrollment for the 2021-2022 school year. The deadline to re-enroll your student(s) will be on April 30th, 2021. To reserve your spot, complete the steps below by this date.
1. Handbook: review our updated OASIS K-12 Handbook and the information on our website to refresh your memory and keep abreast of changes.
2. Re-enrollment Form: Please fill out this form to secure you student's space in OASIS.
3. Choice Transfer: if you don't live on Orcas Island, contact your local school district to have them renew your Choice Transfer request(s) for the 2020-2021 school year. Please work directly with them to provide anything they may require from you to do this. The actual renewal is quick and easy; all your district needs to do is log on to OSPI's online system, find this year's Choice Transfer (or Interdistrict Agreement) for your student, and click on the "Renew" button. When they do this, you will receive a confirmation email.
4. Siblings: We will also be enrolling new siblings at this time. The deadline to enroll new siblings will be April 30th, 2021 as well. Please fill out this form. You will need a new Choice Transfer for them from your local school district. Upon receiving this, we will send you the link to our online enrollment forms. Please be sure to include immunization forms and birth certificate.
Welcome back to OASIS! We look forward to learning with you in 2021-2022!
[email protected]
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