How to Select Materials


Step 1: Return & Renew Library Materials

Return and/or Renew your library materials by June 5, 2020.

Step 2: Complete the Student Learning Plan Ideas Form

Use the following form to submit a general description of what you wish to cover in the school year and the materials you hope to use. 2020-21 Student Learning Plan Ideas Form. You and your teacher will work together to finalize the WSLP in the fall. You will be able to suggest changes to the learning plan if needed as the year progresses. Refer to the Materials Lists below for reference. This step needs to be completed before we can order your materials in the Fall.

Step 3: Look through the Areas of Study

A fully enrolled student must take the four core subjects (English Language Arts, Mathematics, Social Studies, and Science) plus Fine Arts and Fitness/Health. Within those six subjects there is plenty of room for choice. Read the Areas of Study to help you figure out the topics you will cover.

Step 4: Peruse the OASIS Instructional Materials List

Each student's learning plan must include approved core materials in each academic area (ELA, Math, Social Studies, Science). According to state law & school district policy, all core materials must be board approved & meet common core state standards. Refer to these Orcas Island School District Board Approved lists to help you select & order materials.

StarInstructional Materials List (K-8) - Look here to see what options are available for each subject. All of the materials on these lists are OISD board approved. Use subject tabs on bottom of sheet

StarInstructional Materials List (9-12) - Look here to determine materials you would like to use for each subject. All of the materials on these lists are OISD board approved. Use subject tabs on bottom of sheet

Star K-8 Curriculum Materials Summaries for English Language ArtsMath, Social Studies, Science, Fine Arts, and Fitness/Health . Look here for more detailed descriptions of approved materials in the six subject areas.

  Student Learning Plan Ideas Form is submitted and your library materials are returned/renewed.

Important: Instructional Materials must address Washington State Learning Standards and be free of bias. A few pieces that families have used in the past can no longer be purchased by OASIS or used as course materials to meet required learning hours, or reporting progress in Learning Plans. Some of these titles include: Story of the World, Writing with Ease, Writing with Skill, Shurley Grammar, Institute for Excellence in Writing (IEW), First Language Lessons for the Well-Trained Mind, and Math-u-See. Please check with your OASIS teacher if you are wondering about a specific instructional material. Of course, families may use any materials they choose for hours not counted towards the minimum educational hours per week. Your OASIS teacher is happy to work with you to find a collection of materials that meet both state standards and your needs.